
Gemüt­li­ches Ka­pitäns­haus vom Feinsten.

Haus-ID: AE295
Strandstræde 21, Marstal
4 Gäste
2 Schlafzimmer
1 Badezimmer
Haustier nicht erlaubt

To that extent, small is good in this townhouse in the middle of the skipper's town of Marstal. Here you get coziness with a capital H - and as the pictures clearly show, every single room is ta­ste­ful­ly decorated with attention to detail. Eve­ryt­hing is kept simple and hits on what so many of us yearn for when the everyday hamster wheel runs at full speed: Simple Living.

This is the holiday home where you can com­ple­te­ly relax and enjoy yourself full time. There is, for example, no TV, but good internet when you need some screen time.

The size of the house's rooms together with the sloping walls have something to do with the at­mosp­he­re. There is a beautiful living room, 2 good bedrooms with double beds, a nice bathroom - and the kitchen makes it easy to prepare a meal. This is your lovely holiday den, and every day can be enjoyed until the wee hours in the enclosed courtyard with com­fortab­le garden furniture and barbecue.

You are close to shopping, re­stau­rants and only a brisk walk from the beach. Marstal's alleys, streets and straits lead you down to the harbour, which is an ex­pe­ri­en­ce with its small and large fishing boats, dinghies and guest sailors who keep coming back.

This is Ærø's largest town, where the 'Grol­ler­ne' (grey sparrows) live. The many locals who travel abroad as young people to get an education and find work - only to later fly back. And it is from Marstal that ge­ne­ra­tions of sailors have set out on the seven world seas. You can get up close to their exotic ex­pe­ri­en­ces by walking the 160 meters down to the Marstal Maritime Museum.

Andere Ausstattungen

4 Erwa­ch­se­ne
57 m² Wo­hn­flä­che
66 m² Grundstück
In 1850 gebaut
El. Heizung


Schlafzim­mer : 2


1.000 m zum Strand
300 m zum Geschäft
200 m zum Re­stau­rant
1.000 m zum Meer


Haustier nicht erlaubt
Das Aufladen von Elek­tro­au­tos ist nicht erlaubt
Rauchen nicht erlaubt

Im Preis inklusive

  • En­dre­i­ni­gung inklusive

  • Rei­serück­tritts­ver­si­cher­ung

  • Verbrauch inklusive



Feriepartner Ærø

Feriepartner Fyn - Langeland - Ærø - Sønderborg - Sydøstjylland

Feriepartner Ærø macht deinen Urlaub zu etwas ganz Besonderem. Wir führen dich zu den besten Erlebnissen, von den idyllischen Kopfsteinpflasterstraßen in Ærøskøbing mit lebhaften Restaurants bis hin zum spannenden maritimen Ambiente und den gemütlichen Restaurants in Marstal. In Søby helfen wir dir, den perfekten Fisch für das Abendessen am Yachthafen zu finden, und in Borgnæs sorgen wir für Zugang zu den besten Stränden und Naturerlebnissen. Mit unserem hilfsbereiten und freundlichen Service stellen wir sicher, dass dein Urlaub unvergesslich wird.

Feriepartner Ærø

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